I mentioned recently that I was out of glass bubbles (an important filleting additive) and getting low on epoxy. So I've placed another order with Merton's, to the tune of $67.24. This brings the epoxy lineitem in my budget up to $243.76, and the total cost thus far to $595.89.
For those of you keeping score at home, that's around $150, or roughly 33%, over the initial budget estimate, which I arrived at by converting Wharram's budget estimate from British pounds to US dollars.
But the "good news" is that I'm not only well over budget, I'm also well behind schedule. Extra time means extra time to save money towards the build. So while I'm not thrilled to be over budget, I do at least have the money to spend. If I had reached this point in the build last fall, I would have had to put the build on hold while I saved up for more materials.
Oh, and that Merton's box showed up yesterday, so I should be able to produce some more construction news shortly. That's all for now.
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